
May 18, 2020

Finley main street – 1910 vs 2020


  1. Not much change, really. At least at this end of town.

  2. Love that it retains those broad streets. And some of the trees.

  3. I see that there was more traffic in 1910.

    1. Ha ha... I must admit the main street was not as busy as what it would normally be due to COVID restrictions on businesses. Finley is highway town, the main inland highway linking the southern state of Victoria to the northern state of Queensland through New South Wales. Normally at this time of year there is a mass exodus from Vic to QLD of "grey nomads" in their caravans heading to a warmer climate for winter. With the Queensland border closed, they are all having to stay home. Just mainly trucks on the road now and local traffic.

  4. Probably looks better now than back in 1910. I wonder if it is the same tree on the right of the photo.

    1. There is certainly a sort of charm about it back then. No I don't think it is the same tree because it would be right on the corner of the intersection if it was. There are more trees down that road off to the right though - beautiful Jacarandas that have been there for a long time.

  5. Surprisingly little change. It looks very peaceful and no high rise buildings to spoil the view. Cheers Diane

  6. The things change, the more they stay the same.

  7. I think it's interesting to compare. There are definitely not as many Main Street businesses in our little Kansas town these days. But the population is not what it once was either.
