
March 25, 2020

Drooping branches of the Weeping Myall laden with flowers


March 23, 2020

Thank you all for your comments and messages. 
I’m certainly getting the vibe that you are enjoying the photos 😊 

Together we will get through these uncertain times.


March 22, 2020

Making a run for it before the borders close.

With the current crisis engulfing the world my little farm photo-a-day seems so trivial & insignificant. I’ve been grappling with whether I should stop for a while, but I know that my daily photos might just be the diversion and a spot of joy that some people need right now more than ever. So, while ever there is interest, I will do my best to keep going, but let me know when enough is enough.


March 21, 2020

Hope this little wren brightens your day like it did mine.


March 19, 2020

From the tractor seat yesterday - sowing grazing wheat on a dairy farm. 
Photo from Tim



March 15, 2020

A delight to see so many Zebra Finches; this one is a male showing off his distinctive orange cheek patch.


March 14, 2020

Sydney Royal Easter Show

As the world is gripped by fear, and anxiety levels are lifting, major events are being cancelled. One of the big ones in Australia to be cancelled is the Sydney Royal Easter Show that attracts up to 900,000 people over 11 days. The first Sydney agricultural show was held in 1823 with the aim to “encourage and promote rural industry through competition, education and events”. 

Although not as frequent goers lately, because of distance, the Sydney Royal holds a dear place in my heart having attended annually as a child to watch the dairy cattle judging, even getting a day off school to do so. I went through all my childhood photos hoping to find one that could sum up my feelings about what this show means to me; I only found this one… taken in 1987 of my then boyfriend, now husband, competing in the Ag Bike Competition on the main arena. And the memories came flooding back…. the Ferris wheel, the chair lift across the showground, the rides, the show bags, the exhibits, the animals, the farmers. 

It will not be happening this year, but it will be back bigger and better in 2021.


March 12, 2020

Brown Falcon keeping an eye on activities below. 

 Update - I have been advised that this is actually a Black Falcon which are actually not very common around here.


March 5, 2020

Big rains & the gum trees respond; water running down the trunk forms a foam that is a natural wetting agent enabling water to penetrate the soil.


March 1, 2020

Documenting 2020 in yarn via a temperature scarf. 

Each row is the maximum temperature of the day & beads added for rain. Made using pure Australian wool from Morris & Sons.

January & February have been milder than usual and only 5 days above 40°c.