
November 12, 2018

With still no water allocation and the price of temporary water continually rising we have had to abandon this new stand of lucerne.


  1. But of course there is no climate change--- You know who says so. Phooey. Sorry, Lynda.

  2. Tough call, I am sure, and no doubt you did the sums. We really do need substantial rain.

  3. I am so very sorry to hear from you.
    I wish will be substantial rain soon

  4. I hope things change for the better soon.

  5. Thatis really sad but I hope it can be used and not totally wasted. Cheers Diane

  6. Farming has always been risky but these days real dedication and nerves of steel are called for.

  7. really a big one
    boring with the water and the drought

  8. Gosh, what a shame.
    You don't have ground tanks then it seems, just the water from the river that you can't use because of the high cost!

    1. We, along with approx 2,000 other farms, are part of Murray Irrigation, which was originally set up as part of the Snowy Mountain Scheme to drought proof parts of inland Australia in the 1940's. It is a gravity fed system using water stored in Dartmouth & Hume Dams (near Albury). The irrigation scheme was privatised 1995.

      Water allocation is complicated; shared between 3 states with varying priorities depending on entitlements. In our area we are all general security licence holders, which means we get allocated water last once all the other commitments have been met.

      Firstly the river needs a certain amount of water to run taking into account evaporation, losses, dilution flows & environmental flows. The stored water (currently at 54% of capacity) is shared between SA, NSW & VIC in order of priority - stock & domestic, towns, high security, conveyance & lastly general security holders. All of SA’s irrigation water is high security, currently on 100%, VIC Murray is on 89%, we in the NSW Murray are general security water holders and are on 0%.

  9. Thanks for explaining, and it does sound complicated.

  10. Water is so complicated and crap without it. ...
