
May 17, 2017

The Invisible Farmer Project

Australia’s national broadcaster the ABC has joined up with the Australian Research Council and Museums Victoria to conduct the largest ever Australian study about women on the land. Called the Invisible Farmers as the work that these women do is mostly behind the scenes and often unseen, but they are the backbone of many farming and rural businesses. 

Submissions were called to pay tribute to farming woman all around Australia via the ABC Open website.
And … well… here is one such submission that you may find of interest.
Documenter (click to read)


  1. Your have a great Farmily.

  2. What a great honor! Congrats!

  3. Very sweet! And based on my observation, very deserved!

  4. Awesome tribute! Women definitely need to multitask!

  5. Who needs a Mother's Day card when you get a great tribute like that? Congratulations for all you do as a "documenter." I have loved getting a daily glimpse of your Australian farm and have especially enjoyed comparing it to life on a Kansas farm.

  6. Oh, Lynda, I am slow getting visiting done. This was a wonderful read...and I have so enjoyed your blog and seeing your farming operation. And that it is in Australia is an added bonus.

  7. This is a great project.
    Women are often (always?) the backbone of all (most?) work.

  8. I've seen it but not actually done anything about it......well done........
