
January 31, 2017

I have a couple of my Farm-ily 2017 Calendars spare.

I would love to give them away
(postage free to anywhere).

Please email me: farm-ily@live.com.au or
send me a message via Facebook if you would like one.


January 22, 2017

Rainfall on the farm.

For the last 26 years, from the day that we purchased our property, we have been religiously keeping daily rainfall records. It is just something that farmers do. The weather is never far from a farmers mind, and rainfall or lack thereof is always a topic for discussion.

According to the Australia's Bureau of Meteorology our long-term yearly average is 433mm (17”). Our personal recorded average over the 26 years of records is 409mm (16.1”). These years do include the Millennium Drought during the 2000s, so called as vast areas of Southern Australia had the lowest recorded rainfall since European settlement, including our area.

So what do the statistics look like?

A fair bit of variation from year to year.

The lowest year was 2006 with just 191mm (7.5"), but it was followed by another 3 years of well below average rainfall. 2010 was highest year with 702.5mm (the 0.5mm are very important… they all add up!) which is 27.6". This was the year that broke the drought for us… the year that we all rejoiced.  

Here’s hoping for some good numbers in 2017.


January 6, 2017

Adding another string to my bow, or rather it was added for me.

I was signed up for Instagram some time back by a thoughtful person, thinking I needed to expand my social interaction and give me another challenge.
Instagram is all about photos, so yes, it is a perfect fit for someone who posts daily photos.
So I have taken up the challenge, I have taken control of the account and now you can enjoy Farm-ily on Blogger, Facebook and Instagram @ourfarmily

So who would like to join me?
Who else has their blog on Instagram? Please share your username. #like4like